Sequoia Sponsor – Live Action Characters | $10,000
- The opportunity to address the attendees via Radio 3 times per prerecorded loop (1.5 – 2 hour loop). Your message will be heard a minimum of 9 times and as many as 12 times throughout the evening.
- Logo on banner at light at Town Center.
- Logo on rotating outdoor screen.
- Logo on website.
Maple Sponsor – Pumpkin Patch or Jumper | $5,000
- The opportunity to address the attendees via Radio 2 times per prerecorded loop (1.5 – 2 hour loop). Your message will be heard a minimum of 6 times throughout the evening.
- Logo on banner at light at Town Center.
- Logo on website.
Oak Sponsor – Hayride | $2,500
- The opportunity to address the attendees via Radio 1 time per prerecorded loop (1.5 – 2 hour loop). Your message will be heard a minimum of 3 times thoughout the evening.
- Logo on website.
Birch Sponsor – Petting Zoo | $1,500
- Logo featured on activity sponsored.
- Logo on website.
Pine Sponsor – Disneyland Ticket Giveaway | $500
- Logo featured on activity sponsored.
Donate Any Amount
- Please note this donation does not come with any sponsorship incentives.